Did I mention that i have been having fever since i got pregnant?No?I'm not sure.Well,the thing is,i have been.
Actually for the last 4 weeks.It was always come and go type fever,and as it is pretty normal for my body to act like that to any changes,we assumed that it was about the pregnancy changes.
I had slight abdominal pain too,which the doctor diagnosed as a not so to worry about infection which could be dealt with drinking plenty fluids.
That was,until yesterday morning,when my fever got worse,so bad that i could hardly walk on my own.
Limbs hurting and a severe back ache accompanied with the worst cold ever,loss of appetite for a whole day so i didn't really have anything in my stomach..
hubby took me to the doctor early in the morning after fajr,at close to 6.00 AM,when i started to get sick ahem,puked(it wasn't morning sickness i guess because that was it,i don't feel sick anymore,hamdulillaah).
I was sent home after a few tests(which showed that my infection was not so good),and given paracetamol to take every four hours,and antibiotics 3 times daily.By the evening,despite taking paracetamol every four hours,my fever wasn't doing so good.I was still running a high temperature when i went the gynecologist after 3 hours of eating my meds.
As i mentioned before,i had an appointment scheduled with my gynecologist for last evening.
She checked me up.and She got me alarmed being alarmed herself about my condition.she got me admitted in the hospital right away.Luckily Masha Allaah,even though i did get fever again in the midnight,it didn't get too high.By the morning,several hours had passed without fever,and also it was without taking the pills.Alhamdulillaah.
The hospital bed was sooo uncomfortable!Hubby stayed there with me awake all night..Alhamdulillaah i was discharged late this afternoon.Now im home,ready to hit the sack.(and hungry,lol)My poor poor hubby he is asleep now,knocked unconscious as soon as we got home!I myself am dozing off right now...
Owh dear...
ReplyDeleteI hope you're doing better today/now.
I have had the same experience as you do now.And the problem with us being pregnant,if there's an infection,we are not to be given with strong antibiotic/s as it could be harmful to the foetus that we're carrying.Just low dosage of paracetamol...
Do take care & be strong dear friend...
thankyou sister i am doing better alhamdulillaah..
ReplyDeletei have been very seriously crazy careful and double checked triple checked with the doctors about any pills that i take,and also found info online about them all till i am satisfied that its safe for my baby..
i feel a little like im being paranoid,but..well i believe any mother would understand!:-)
Assalamialaikum Amina.
ReplyDeleteTake good care of yourself girl!!!!