Hubby even said that i could paint on my printer flowers to girlify it.*grin*
bless his sweet soul.
Recently I've started this journey to find myself again.
When i got married,three years ago,i became a wife,and a housewife.And then two years after that,i became a mother.besides life being as it is on everyone,hardships one after an other,life got busier than busy itself,and my daily chores has become more or less,the only point of my life.
Don't get me wrong,i love what i do,and there is no place that I'd rather be.But a few days ago,someone who knew the old me reminded me of that girl that i was before.without realizing that i had felt lost for a long time, i've found myself again.it's liberating to say the least.i was reminded that there is a person inside me who is not only the wife and mama,but there is a ME.
Ahh,but most probably you already know what i'm talking about if you are a Home Executive like me.
Ive been recently finding myself just loosing it,loosing myself and going a bit berserk.more often than not,i do not remember that there is a me,a person who is just as important as the momma and the wife.
I used to write.A lot.i used to translate articles,not professionally,but it always was something that i have wanted to do.I don't know how i forgot that,but i did.I used to sketch.Paint.And a bunch of whole other crafting.
Most of which i haven't done for quite sometime.
Taking my friends advice,I started doing what i like,for myself.i took my pen and a book to write down my thoughts.It was hard at first.i couldn't bring myself to write much.i had gotten too used to sorting everything out in my head.but guess what,a writer will always be a writer.And eventually it did start pouring out.And i felt better,closer to myself,and lighter than i had felt in many a day.And i have realized that even though my priority is my family,i need to be myself,for myself because i need to hold on to my identity.I need to hold on to what makes me who i am.I need to know and remember who i am.because if you have yourself figured out,it makes the rest a bit easier to deal with.And it will help you do what you do so much better, help a lot more people and do so much more.
Find yourself.Do what you love.And do what you do best.we mess up so much.Life gives us so much crap.you gotta do whatever it takes to show life that there is many a thing that you can do and do well.things that you love,that which makes you feel good.things that you feel as though they love you back.
life will always suck twice as much as it doesn't.But when it doesn't,its always worth taking the crap thrice as much.Because it always gets better.
And you,no one's happy if momma aint happy.it's so true.You gotta be happy with yourself and confident,you gotta be content with life and stable,for you,YOU gotta be the foundation of the happy,safe home that no one can build the way you can.
Ahem.I'm done.
*Blushes a deep shade of red*
salhiey.. :)
Thank you for your very inspiring note
ReplyDeleteI was almost lost into my role of a worker, a wife and mom. Sometimes we need to look back and reveal our true self
OOT,I'm giving away a copy of "Sewn with Love" by Fiona Bell in my blog. Come visit if you get a chance