Life wise,i'm very drained these days.No one told me these toddlebums drain you almost empty..and i miss my mom.after my dad passed away,my mom went back home to her island.(Our country is a bunch of islands sitting together (but not joined) in the Indian ocean.)
I'm seriously in need of a vacation.The thought of it,is the only thing that's got me going these days..
As soon as hubby has got it settled at work,we are off insha Allaah..
We were expecting to leave tomorrow,I tried to not get my hopes too upsy because this might happen.but in my mind,i had made plans and i had made a lot of things in preparation.
But the Boss has other ideas.(As much as i hate to say this,we haven't had a decent vacation for the four years we have been married.). :(
I can't wait.To see my mom,my lil brother(Noor,the two n half year old noora's uncle :)),all my extended family who lives on this tiny island that is my parents home island.
Oh keep me in your prayers,i'm sewing and stitching and beading and crafting like a mad woman and neglecting pretty much all else that i have to do, because that's the only things that s keeping me sane.
For now,i'm trying to adjust my attitude.I can't afford to be mad at those who are standing in our way for no good reasons or be too frustrated.
aah that;s better.Even seeing that makes me feel a lot better.The rain is coming..lets be happy while we wait :D (for those of you who don't know me,rain is my source of rejuvenation.what the sun is to the trees,the rain is to me,i always say. ;))
Lets show you what ive been doing.
Mini quilt.
Midnight madness is how i got it done in 20 minutes. |
Free machine sewing,that joy. |
pink ruffled dress.I love this pattern,made it three times now :D |
Label on the dress directly!
Instead of sewing on one of those tags,i ironed a little piece of my name directly on to the fabric.and it stays well.chiffon holds iron transfers best,as of yet.
She is quite the sand lover. |
She loves picking things by her small hands,she has a good technique mastered..she finds lost pins and needles for me..exactly what i dont need her to find!
Noora on papa's motorcycle. |
that's how we got to her to stay put for this photo. :)
Papa hold her while momma tries to snap one decent pic of this dress!! |
Embroidery on Noora's jeans.Quite in love with this one. :D
The bling is iron on.
No pictures of her in the jeans im afraid. :(
I'm assuming i will be making a lot of stuff in the next few days, because I have to do something to keep me from exploding..God knows how close i am..
Anyways,lets keep the smiles up.Cuz you can't smile from the outside without feeling better from the inside. :D