I'll work on that later.
sorry about the dark photos..cloudy cloudy day today..And i usually dont touch my photos.(how does anyone have time for that?)

And this one,i made last night.Silly me,i was hoping that it would stretch just as much as the one above did..And it didn't stretch much.i would have to use it was a middle panel for a dress or something..it doesn't stretch at all.(How could i have not known that?)

The diamonds are not very even either.This one i hadn't pleated real well.i think the pleats were a little too big,they were folding to a side and that made it kinda hard to keep the stitching even and neat.The technique that i used last night needs to be revised.
I think i would work some bullion roses in betweens and it wouldn't look too bad.what do you think?
these bullion roses were worked on a little sundress i made for my Angelittle.

also whipped up these lovelies a while back.Place mats.fusible fleece isn't available here,so i used an old fleece blanket instead.works doesn't it?i have used it for other projects too.aren't they just darling?(first patchwork experience.A good one!pat on the back! :o))

Long post eh?
awryty then,i'll be back later.Have a lot more of Angelittle's dresses you have to see.you see,it's totally mommy made!
Hope you are all having a groovy time too!
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