hows ya all?
me?why,thanks for asking,im..just great!
Finally the nausea and hate for all things edible is receding..slowly..
I was beginning to think that it never would!
finally,i am growing biiiii-iiiig,Masha Allaah.This time its real i tell ya,it's not my imagination.(my hubbs told me so.)
and it does not help with my sleepy beauty-ness.
No one ever told told me how bad it would be!
i cant stand too long,cuz my back hurts,my feet aches..
i cant lie down to rest comfortably because when i lie on my back,i cant breath,
when on my sides,my hip bones ache like nothing I've ever experienced before,
and obviously,lying on my belly is off limits.So is a good night's sleep.:-(
I decided that if it really troubled every pregnant woman,someone would have told me.
after all,one can tolerate sleep deprivation only so much..
specially when one is pregnant,
counting all the fatigue,and the others that come with the
so I've been reading a bit about difficulty to sleep during these days..
and it happens to be that most of us really do go through this..
how come no one talks about it?
only later i found out that it all cancels out and you forget it once you hold your little angel..
sigh.......**dreamy smile**

maternity pillows seems to be a good solution for the sleep problem.
looky here!
don't you just wanna go to sleep?
As we have to if order it online,and have no idea what would work best as there are at least a dozen types of pillows designed specially for pregnancy.
Anyone any advice?Tips?
About these pillows or anything for the sleep problem?
And I've seriously started thinking about beginning to make some baby stuff.I'm hoping to start as soon as i start feeling s'more strength to keep me up and running.:-)
meanwhile,i'll be in bed snuggling with a book of chicken soup for the soul,with half a dozen pillows and cushions,ignoring my aching hips.
....hips?what hips?....
(yep,im totally denying that i even have hips.Clever huh?**grin**)
I think that looks like a great idea Angel...finally someone came up with something.
ReplyDeleteYeah I'd say a lot of us go through this... just how it is really.
I remember way back when... I used a 'bean bag' to sleep at night.
Do whatever you need to get comfy.
How long have you got to go now?
A bean bag?
ReplyDeletecool! :-)
I'm only 16 weeks yet according to my last ultra sound scan..
just started into my second trimester!
to me time seems to moving very sluggishly..
but everyone's saying that it will fly like crazy and i would even notice!
I'm waiting for that to happen,lol!
As-salaamu'alaykum wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu my dearest sister,
ReplyDeleteI hope everything is going well for you.
Just letting you know, you have been awarded.. erm, with a tag.. lol.. don't ask me how that works.. but check out my blog :D
Love Farhana