More like half a dozen please?
I haven't really been much of a tea lover,well lets say,ever.But the past week,I bought two packages of tea,chamomile,and peppermint.I was looking for cinnamon tea,which i hadn't had a lot,but over the few times that i had,it had become my first choice for tea.And it has amazing benefits too.
No cinnamon tea i found that night,so i settled for chamomile and peppermint,of which's amazing benefits i had also read,and thus, was born my tea loving tea-self.
And you know what,i had totally forgotten that i was pregnant and that it complicates everything.
I came home and googled and read about consuming tea during pregnancy.Everything i found was contradicting each other.one says its ok in moderation,others say no NO,YOU CANT EVEN LOOK AT TEA,or else it's going to become a two headed monster or something.
(Ok,it didnt say that exactly,but they might as well have!
it seems that herbs arent really tested stuff so its not really safe during pregnancy..not because it has done something but more because they arent sure wether it may do something.for instance it's been said that as chamomile has relaxing properties it relaxes the uterus and MAY trigger early contractions.not good during early pregnancy!But chamomile relaxes body and mind,soothes tired and sore muscles,helps sleep well at night,even cure colicy babies,and help ease the discomforts of PMS.So if you are NOT pregnant, you should definitly go for it!)
Imagine my disappointment..the only thing that i actually wanted to go inside my throat willingly after so long,and i couldn't have it!:-(
so i talked to my sister about it and she also was of the opinion that moderation was the answer.she also talked to a friend of hers who is a doctor,and she said that teas even some herbal,has a substance tannin.which theoretically,interferes with the body's iron absorption.She said that she drank coffee(which has tannin and caffeine too),all throughout her pregnancy but Masha allaah she and her baby are both fine.So no tea not a lot definitely,but an occasional cup,once a day,must be OK.not close to meal times definitely.
And hubby bought me cinnamon tea today!
It's been v rainy and very cold the whole day and it was totally out of this world enjoying a hot cup of delicious cinnamon tea!
Thank you sweetheart!:-)
Go have some tea,and enjoy it!
(And please let me know that you did,lol!)
lotsa lotsa love,
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Well im a tea drinker and i had tea with both my pregnancy`s just dont over do it, but plenty of water is allways best,
Take care