hahhhhh its been long.its been hectic around here.
i think I'm going to get back to blogging once again,and hope to post more often!
lets forget how much I've neglected my blog for a minute there,shall we?
OK then lets see if some eye candy can bribe you. show you something hoping you will forgive me once you are too overwhelmed with how beautiful it is!deal? :D
my shiny braided bread.glorious it was. |
I made
Dana's braided bread a few nights ago.It came out really great,the texture super nice and it so happened to be the best Ive made yet.It was easy to slice,no crumbling,and it kept well without refrigeration for three days.
i wish i worked better on my photos.
tsk,what a pity.
it was late,two thirty in the morning,so its just this shot and an identical one to this,that i managed.sorry.
You should try this bread.but remember to make two it two loaves.or they will grow too huge and get almost stuck to the roof of your oven like mine almost did.ahem.
on other tones,i made a sample beaded flower.i cant remember for the life of me where i saw the tutorial from.so i cannot give credit where its due. :o( i've been searching far and wide for days,to no avail..please point it out to me if anyone knows! :o))
Beaded flower |
i made a lot of dresses for my baby girl while i was busy not blogging.lets see how long it takes for me upload ONE, atleast! :)
Anyone has tips about toddler tantrums?Noora has become an expert.and i seem to be following her.and i seriously need help.poor husband.
i cannot focus on one thing for very long these days.
gather some ideas while im away,alright?
let me be back in a while.
this time,im back for sure.
i think.
toodles! :o)