Regardless to what it may seem like..her momma does feed her!
This is my eleven month old baby.She loves biting on her chain necklace.Oh just keeping it in her mouth.she used to do an upside down move so that when it falls onto her face,she catches it by her mouth.
Now that,she's got her pincer grasp mastered,she picks it up and puts it into her mouth.So stinkin adorable i tell ya!
Not so adorable when she finds and picks up those buttons,coins and teeny glass beads that momma lost (and never found,)and almost eats them.
Momma's been sewing.Again.
I made my own pattern for this,which did not really work..

The straps were tooooo short.Too small that her head doesnt fit.I should have let the pretty straps be and made a placket at the back.But instead i changes them to spaghetti straps that should be tied.The result somehow is not satisfactory.i loved how it looked before way more.Dont you just love the pretty little dresses on the fabric?i have some more of this fabric.hopefully,i will make something that will be happy with in the end!
And can you see the happy clutter on my working table top? :-)
And this little pretty is a knit top.i love how it turned out.originally,it had long sleeves.I made some very stupid mistakes and chopped them off.It doesn't look bad with those tiny cap sleeves either,does it?
More of momma's sewing for noora has been done recently.i will come back when i have some pics.Apologies,i took these with my 2 mp phone camera too!
please respect my decision and do not take pictures of Noora without my consent.