I have not been doing much sewing.I made two baby blankets.you know,the ones with the sweet little hoodie part?I could'nt take any pictures as my camera is down with some kinda flu.I think.:-)No wonder,i have been fighting a tough cold and fever for three days now.My camera must have caught it from me.no,wait..i think i caught it from my camera.LOL.
I have some pics from some time ago.random stuff.I know how much i drool over pictures from beautiful places out there.So even if it has nothing to do with anything what so ever,I'll still post some of my pics here.Totally random stuff.This here is of a little sketch,one i had drawn one a corner of a page of my recipe book.With lotsa scribbles all around it,But i thought i would spare you the the mind boggling beauty of my scribbling.LOL;-)

This here is the clock in our bedroom.The wall was looking too bare for me to handle,so i cut out petals from sticker paper and made a little something to make it look a bit more not so boring.we were thrilled with the results.
One of the best pictures i ever took.It was snapped with my phone one evening.Was with my sister while the sun was setting.But somehow this picture turned out to look nothing like it should at the time it was taken.I mean sunset is orange,red.not blue.right?even so,I Love this shot!:-)

I keep getting hungry.With my stuffy nose,watery eyes,sore throat and aching body.Some how this cold seems to have made my appetite biiiiiiiiig.I dont know why,but i become some what a stress eater every time when something changes.Let it be my mood from normal to some thing greater or worse..Or my health.Or anything else for that matter.Any changes in anything and i instantly start craving something edible!

Talk about issues huh?:-)
It's 2.30 in the morning.And i am still wide awake.So that i can feel sleepy all day tomorow.like it will do me a lot of good.:-)
hope to come back soon with some good news about mommy..And hopefully some sewing!
till next time,
lotsa love

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