Tuesday, March 31, 2009
It's a boy!
Monday, March 30, 2009
What's been going on..

One of the best pictures i ever took.It was snapped with my phone one evening.Was with my sister while the sun was setting.But somehow this picture turned out to look nothing like it should at the time it was taken.I mean sunset is orange,red.not blue.right?even so,I Love this shot!:-)

Saturday, March 21, 2009
It's a girl!
Isn't that wonderful?And my mom is having a surprise later in life too.She is due in the beginning of april.April 2nd is the date given,to be exact.AND I HAVE TO I HAVE TO MAKE SOME BABY STUFF FOR THE NEW BABIES!
I have'nt much experience in making baby stuff.But i will give it a try i have to.Any ideas?
I havent been doing much lately.All i have been doing is making a lot of pizza.And eating them ofcourse,for all the meals of the day.(hubby even called me pizza girl.how cute is that?:-))Really.I really cant get crazier ,can i?(Though i am surely sure that i will find a way to top that somehow,soon.LOL)
Not done any hexing lately.No sewing either.What have i been doing?
Anyway,I have lots of sewing plans.For the babies.Any ideas any help would be truly appreciated.
It's 10.00 pm and i am craving pizza.Again.Can you believe that?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My pizza recipe.And other stuff.
Last Friday i made a lot of experimenting with my oven.I made a heck lot of pizzas.(And i have got it quite nice how to to make a great pizza in the microwave.)
My pizza recipe
- 250 gm(approx. 2 1/2 cups)All purpose flour
- 1 tsp instant yeast(dry yeast is ok too,but you should dissolve it in luke warm water before adding.I've had some trouble with it,so i always prefer instant yeast)
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 1/2 tbsp butter/margarine
- a pinch of salt(you can omit this too)
- luke warm water
First sift floour into a big bowl,add all dry ingredients into it and mix.Add butter or margerine,and mix it too.yes,with the flour,no,no water yet.When you have mixed it all nicely,add water and knead the dough.seperate the dough into two balls.Cover with plastic wrap and keep in a warm place for it to work its magic.:-).Leave for like 20-30 mins.No peeking or peeping till its time!(If you wont be using both balls,you can store one in the refrigerator or freezer for quite some time,depending on how long you want to keep it.)
Is it time yet?If you are absolutely sure so,take the dough and punch it a bit to break the bubbles inside.Nicely roll out or you can just flaten it with your hands on a dish.
Take it carefully and put on a grill rack.spread a little olive oil on the dough so that that sauce will not soak the pizza.Add your favourite pizza sauce and toppings,grate some cheese,and put into oven.I made it in 45% grill 55% microwave on high power,for 8 minutes.
Grill on 85%grill power for 5 more minutes afterwards.that browns the toppings nicely.I guess it depends if you want to do it or not.
Its done!
In a convection oven,it takes about 25 minutes.It takes longer in a convection oven,but you can get crispier pizza if thats how you prefer it.(I love it soft,so the microwave version works for me great.)And you dont have to use a grill rack if you are using a convection oven.
You should try this recipe.I have been using this pizza recipe for as long as i have been cooking.ahem,not a looooooooooooong time,but the last five years of my life.It has never failed me,its always perfect.And it tastes way better home made.next time you want pizza,don't bother to take out or order,but just try and make this one.I promise you,you will not regret.I would love to hear from you how you liked it if you ever tried it!:-)
It works well even though you don't grill it.100% microwave cooked works just as fine too..confirms my various experiments.So even if your microwave doesn't have grill mode like mine,Its still fine too.(Though i don't know how it will turn out if you use a plate.or any other dish for that matter..because i have always used the grilling rack only.)
(Thanks Drew for pointing that out!)
And to post a pic of what i sewed last.
I couldnt get a better shot of this dress.i tried many many times,but this is the best that i got.I know,it's almost blinding right?I sure can't look at it too much!(just ignore my babbling and my photos if it's becoming too much.:-) )
I have a loads of sewing to do.But i am not having much progress on any of it.And i am having lots of progress ignoring how much work i have to do.
tata for now.
Be back soon.Hopefully with somethimg intersting.Or not.(as in some more babbling.LOL:-))

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
my first attempt at making a pie.
And he just got me an oven!I've wanted one so much for sometime,and my hubby got one for me!
I am soo happy.it's a microwave,and i forgot to check wether it had convection mode.And when i remembered,it was all too late.It did not have convection mode.It has grill,microwave and combination of them both as cooking functions,and i am determined to make do with it for everything that I could possibly want a convection oven for.So far,ive done a few experiments,and all have turned out pretty well so far.and it makes everything so quick.So i am really happy about my new oven.i love it,and have no problem with it,watsoever.LOL:-)
thankyou you sweetheart for the great gift..i lovvvvvvvve you!:-)
yesterday i gave some thinkng to how i could make a pie in the microwave.i would make the crust and microwave it first on its own,and add the filling later.And i tripped over and fell face down while i was running all over the internet,of all things,it was this recipe of how to make a pie shell in a microwave.Can you believe that?I was smiles all day long.:-)I book marked the place,and also wrote it down in my recipe book!!!!!i fell asleep wanting to wake up and give it a try first thing in the morning.And thats exactly what i did!I had to make it in time for breakfast,so i had to make it really fast.And i made it i totally made it!!
I made a mushroom and sausage filling.the crust was sooo flaky!it was kinda crunchy too.Is that how it's supposed to be?I would love to have any tips or advice if anyone has any!I have no idea how it is supposed to taste like,but we loved it!It was wonderful!
And right after breakfast i knew i had to write about it right away!
Did i mention that i love cooking?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Me,the busy Queen bee.
i spent hours trying to figure out which side would be which,and in the end,i decided that the less steeper would be the back.Really.