hi and salaam.
it's been quite a while hasn't it.
things have been happening though i haven't been blogging as faithfully as i should.Guess that is expected and would be accepted from a new mother.(this time around i have a valid excuse eh?)
i cant go on as its been all lollipops and rainbows.
my father passed away a while ago.
On the 12th of April.
i just haven't been able to put myself to write about it.
every time i go to my parent's,i go thinking of seeing him.talking to him.
and then i remember that he's gone.still seems unreal.
i was with him the last moments of his life that he spent conscious..He was having very much difficulty breathing.,so he wasn't really able to speak,but i saw how strong and brave my father was.
He passed away while he was in the ICU, sedated,and i was called to the hospital and went there not even knowing that he had passed away. :-(
as i sat to write this post,i thought i was,but tears streaming down my face,i have only just realized that i am still not ready to talk about it..someday maybe i will be.maybe i wont.
the pain would never go away,but i guess it becomes more bearable over time.
He was a great man.
I am thankful that even though my daughter will never know her grandfather,her grandfather had met her.
and i am proud to be his daughter.
Even prouder to have had him as my father.
May Allaah ease his abode,have mercy on and bless his soul.