I just gave birth to our little Angel!
She is of today a week and three days old.
And i have been too busy to blog about it.
Yep,bad blogger i am,i know.
But you should forgive me,for i brought such wonderful news!
I went into labor close to dawn,January 7th.
After a few hours,(considering how long it could have been,and believe me it didn't at the time seem few,)at 12.50PM our first born,Noora binth Migdhadh was born,weighing 3.01 kg, shining into this world,bearing all the beauty in the world masha Allaah.
Now i am officially a mommy.
Its like i can no longer remember any pain i went through.
She is so sweet Masha Allaah,i can stare at her for hours straight.
I can't believe that something like her actually came out of me!ME!!!
Because of her,i now understand why mommy's make such a fuss.
And because of her,i see the whole world in a whole different light.
I've come to feel feelings that I've never felt before.
I've found a true,a new meaning to my existence.A purpose for my life.
And because of her,the man whose status in front of me i thought couldn't become any higher,just became twice as important to me as my own life.
There can definitely be not much that is as significant as becoming a mother.
It's the end of a chapter in my life.
And a whole new beginning to a whole new chapter,a whole new world.
I'm all smiles.
all thanks.