A lovely package from sister Aida!I had mentioned that I'd love to work with felt,and that it wasn't available to me here,so she sent me some!
isnt that just awesome?
Thankyou sooo much sister Aida!
i received it yesterday.She had also put in a felt apple and a flower brooch..Her work is amazing..wanted to post about it and mail her right away,but couldn't as my net connection was down.So after i wa done dancing around the house dancing with joy, i spent most of last evening playing with my new treasure.
Here is what i came up with..
A strawberry magnet.Now it lives on our fridge,holding notes and scribbles in place.
Another strawberry i stitched on my maternity dungaree chest pocket.I had previously undone what was originally there.
(Yep,that's where luscious strawberries came from.I LOVE strawberries!)
And this baby,would be my first donut.:-)It's for my sister.
Thankyou again sooo much sister Aida..
have a nice day..i think ive more felting to do!